Swami Vivekananda Airport
Swami Vivekananda Airport

Swami Vivekananda Airport Swami Vivekananda Airport, formerly known as Raipur Airport, located in Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, is the primary airport serving the state of Chhattisgarh in India. The airport is located in Mana between Raipur (15 km) and Naya Raipur (10 km).

इसे भी पढ़ें  कोलकाता डॉक्टर केस: दोषियों को सजा दिलाने और केंद्रीय सुरक्षा कानून की मांग को लेकर रायपुर में कैंडल मार्च

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